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March 30, 2015

Single Uniform for Students in Public Schools

In a note, the Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training "informs the public in general and the education community in particular that, by presidential decree, signed by the Cabinet March 18, 2015, it was decided that students in public schools, both of fundamental and secondary levels, now will wear the same uniform from the academic year 2015-2016.

This decision answers, among others, to the sake of integration, equal treatment and safety of all students of national schools and high schools of the Republic. It will also reduce the cost of purchasing uniforms for the State and families.

The Ministry requests at all educational agents to make all the arrangements for the full implementation of this measure, starting next school year."

Also last Thursday at the second meeting of the forum of former Haitian Ministers of Education, Nesmy Manigat, the Minister of National Education, in reference to this note, said that this decision was not imposed on private schools, but stressed, having encouraged them to adopt this measure.

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